Features | The Blogger's Bookshelf Bookish Pub Quiz!
With lots of us staying home at the moment, many are turning to online pub quizzes for entertainment (we love this one from Anna), so we thought it might be fun to create our very own bookish quiz to share with you!
Below you'll find information on each of the rounds as well as downloadable pdf files with the questions and separate pdf files with the answers. Feel free to complete the quiz in full, or pick and choose rounds to play with your friends or add to your own family quizzes!
If you do use the quiz please let us know by tagging @bloggersbookshelf on Instagram, @blog_bookshelf on Twitter or drop us an email to bloggersbookshelf@gmail.com and don't forget to let us know your scores - we would absolutely love to hear from you!
Main Rounds (10 Questions Each)
Round 1: Name the Author
Our first round is a list of 10 titles and the challenge is to correctly guess who wrote each one. We've also included the year each book was released to give you a hint.Downloads: Questions | Answers
Round 2: First Lines
This round features 10 first lines from popular novels and it's up to you to name which book each one is from.These can be a little tricky if you haven't read all of the books, but we've included several which mention character names to give you a few extra clues!
Downloads: Questions | Answers
Round 3: Guess The Year
In this round we've listed 10 books which were released between 2010 and 2019. All you have to do is put them in the correct order, working form the one released in 2010 all the way through to 2019.It's up to you how you wish to score this round but we would suggest 2 points for a correct placement in the list and 1 point for being one spot out!
Downloads: Questions | Answers
Round 4: YA Characters
For our final main round we've listed groups of 3 characters, each from popular YA novels. To score points you'll need to correctly name the book/series you would find them in.Downloads: Questions | Answers
Mini Rounds (5 Questions Each)
Round 1: Harry Potter
We couldn't share a quiz without including a Harry potter mini round! These questions will likely be easy points for those who love the wizarding world, but they may catch out those who aren't such big fans!Round 2: Awards & Records
All of the books featured in this mini round have won prizes/awards or hold a Guinness World Record, but can you name all five?Downloads: Questions | Answers
Picture Round (10 Questions)
Round 1: Emojis
One of our favourite parts of IRL pub quizzes has to be the picture round! For our bookish picture round we've used emojis to represent 10 popular books. In some cases the emojis are used to spell out the title, in others we have used them to describe the plot.If you enjoy this round, we encourage you to have a go at making some of your own!
Downloads: Questions | Answers