The Silver Linings Playbook | Matthew Quick | Review
Pat Peoples believes everything will work out in the end,
he believes that his life is like one of those feel good movies that always
have a happy ending. So as he embarks on a journey to get back with his wife
Nikki back after spending a lengthy stretch in a mental health facility, nobody wants
to let Pat find out the truth. The truth which doesn't look like it has any
silver lining. But then Pat meets Tiffany, a young lady who has struggles with
everything life has thrown at her lately. Their friendship grows and the real
truth starts to reveal itself.
The Silver Linings Playbook is not one of those books that I would have immediately
picked up in a book store. However after
watching the film I was convinced that I needed to read the book. I’m glad I
did especially as the book gives so much more detail about the characters –
which are the most interesting part of this book. The way the book tackles the serious issues,
shows how these characters interact or close themselves off are what kept me
reading and enjoying every page.
If I had not watched the film first (big mistake I know – I should
of known better) I think I would have really enjoyed rediscovering Pat’s old life
with him and being taken on that journey.
Hidden elements of his past are slowly revealed to us and it really
allows the reader to play the guessing game. I would of enjoyed trying to work
it all out before Pat did (the competitive side of me would of reared its ugly
If I could pick out one aspect of The Silver Linings Playbook which I found
frustrating it would be all the details of the classic novels that Pat reads.
Now don’t get me wrong I love how they have included these books and that he is
reading them – but some of them I haven’t read and now I don’t feel I need to
as the plots have already been revealed to me in quite some detail.
I would definitely recommend The Silver Linings Playbook, especially if you
like to read something a little different every now and then.