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Women & Power | Mary Beard | Review

Not many people know that I am a big classics nerd. So much so that my degree is actually in both English and Classical Studies. It's probably why I'm such a big fan of Mary Beard and why I practically begged for a copy of Women & Power for my birthday.

Women & Power is an adaption of lectures that Mary Beard has previously given (oh how I wish I could have been at those!), all wrapped up in a gorgeous new cover. In a little more than 100 pages, Mary Beard discusses the way society treats powerful women, and the alarming parallels with the classical world. A particular focus is that of public speaking, and how the world makes it challenging for women to speak up, especially if what they are saying deviates from the status quo.

Looking back through history and classical literature offered a new lens to view the issues that are prominent in our society. Mary Beard is clearly highly educated and constructs a fantastic argument, though she doesn't lose sight of the fact that not everyone is as versed in classics as she is. Whether or not you know much about the Greco-Roman world, you'll still be able to follow the examples you give. I loved this book so much that I immediately passed it to my friend to read; she's no classicist, but she was just as blown away by it too.

Even though I didn't 100% agree with everything that was said in Women & Power, I did love it. It was such an interesting perspective and a voice that should definitely be listened to. This was a fantastic piece of non-fiction for me!

Kelly x

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