Bookish Links #40

1. Illustrated Reads - we loved Katie's recommendations for illustration books. All of her picks look gorgeous but we've got our eye on Home in particular.
2. Wanderlust - if travel is high on your to-do list this year check out Heather's post all about Culture Smart travel guides!
3. For The Bookworms - we enjoyed this post featuring some bookish invention ideas. If you could invent a product perfect for bookworms what would it be?
4. Peaks & Pages - one of our favourite new bookstagram discoveries is Amanda's page full of beautiful bookish photos!
5. Share Your Book Photos - speaking of bookstagram, if you're looking to start your own you'll love Brittney's top tips!
6. A-Z Must-Reads - we loved this idea from Carolanne's blog where she shared a full A-Z of book recommendations. Which books would make your list?
7. Feel Inspired - we adored Lucy's post all about writing her first novel. It will definitely leave you feeling inspired if you're dreaming of getting published!
8. Meet Cute - if you're looking for an adorable selection of YA tales we think you'll love Meet Cute. Check out this review for more info on each of the stories included in the book!
9. All The Audiobooks - we loved Jannsen's list of amazing audiobook recommendations. Are you a fan of audiobooks?
10. Step Into The Spotlight - we think you'll love this list from Bustle which showcases secondary characters who definitely deserve to be the stars of their own novels! Who would make your list?
11. Magazine - we love this online magazine from Stay Bookish. Make sure you check out the latest issue for a bunch of great bookish articles!
12. 2018 Debuts - this list from Epic Reads is definitely one to bookmark!
Links From The BB Archives... The Strange Library, Haruki Murakami | Sneaky Bookshops | The Magician's Land, Lev Grossman
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