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BB Book Club | March 2018 Roundup | Broadcast

This year we decided to launch our very own online book club, with a new book for you to join us in reading every month. Chosen by Erin, our third BB book club read was Sci-Fi title Broadcast by Liam Brown. Here's our March infographic to tell you a little bit more...

Reader's comments and favourite quotes:

“Somehow it looks even bluer on the screen. Even realer” 

"The book tackles the interesting subject of social media/vlogging and living our lives online. I found it to be an enjoyable, thought-provoking short read." - Erin @ A Natural Detour 

"That ending! What!" - Anjali @ This Splendid Shambles

“I still can’t get used to the idea of no one being interested in my life anymore. After all, if nobody’s there to watch me, what’s the point in doing anything in the first place?”

"It was obvious that the book was going to have negative views of social media being very much a Black Mirror sort of plotline. I wouldn't personally use MindCast if it was a thing but it's not stopping me from sharing what I currently share with the world.
Yes [I would recommend the book], but I would probably be more likely to recommend the Black Mirror series over this." - Sophie @ Sofilly

"It's so short and snappy to read. It's definitely unique in the ideas it brings to the table." - Anjali @ This Splendid Shambles

"People read to be entertained. To pass the time on those rare occasions when their battery's dead or they can't get a WiFi signal. But the main reason, I believe, or at least the most important reason people still read, is because books are the only opportunity we ever get to experience true empathy with another human being. To see the world through their eyes. To walk in their shoes."

"I finished the book, and the idea of MindCast is interesting, but it could have been explored in greater depth. I think that due to the length of the book you weren’t able to really get to know, or care about, the characters." - Anon

"I liked when David was just learning how MindCast worked and learning all the features and developments." - Sophie @ Sofilly

"My kingdom for a search engine."

Thank you to everyone who read along with us this month! If you would like to get involved with next month's BB Book Club check back here tomorrow where Kelly will be introducing her selection for April.

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