Features | Popsugar 2017 Reading Challenge Update #6

With the end of the year just a few days away it's time for me to share a final update on my attempt at the Popsugar 2017 Reading Challenge. Last month I mentioned that I was hoping to have twenty-five prompts crossed off the list when 2017 comes to a close and I'm pleased to report that my final count for the year is twenty-seven! Here are the final four prompts I managed to cross off...
A Bestseller From A Genre You Don't Normally Read | Tigers In Red Weather, Liza Klaussmann (2012)
Historical fiction is not a genre I find myself drawn to very often but I'd seen some great reviews of this bestselling book so couldn't resist picking it up when I stumbled across a copy on the shelf of a charity shop. Whilst I'm not sure it has convinced me to run out and buy more historical fiction titles, I found the story and format interesting and did enjoy reading something a little bit different.
A Book With A Family-Member Term In The Title | The Secret Lives Of The Amir Sisters, Nadiya Hussain (2017)
I struggled a little with finding a book I wanted to read for this prompt but finally settled on this debut novel which follows the Amir family through some difficult times. The chapters alternate between each of the sisters' point of view and the book explores the various relationships between them.
A Book That's Becoming A Movie In 2017 | A Long Way Home (Lion), Saroo Brierley (2013)
If you ask IMDb Lion is listed as a 2016 film so technically you could argue it doesn't fit the prompt, however I've decided to bend the rules a little - the UK release date was January 2017 after all! I really enjoyed the adaptation and was amazed by Saroo's unique story so decided to pick up the book to find out more and wasn't disappointed.
A Book Set In The Wilderness | Black Cairn Point, Claire McFall (2015)
I decided to finish this year's challenge with a re-read, revisiting a book I enjoyed back in 2015 - if you missed it first time around you can catch my review in the BB archives!
That's it for the 2017 challenge, but updates will be returning next year as I tackle the 2018 list! If you're taking part next year too I'd love to hear from you, let me know in the comments!
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