Dangerous Girls | Abigail Haas | Review

"It's Spring Break of senior year. Anna, her boyfriend Tate, her best friend Elise, and a few other close friends are off to a debaucherous trip to Aruba that promises to be the time of their lives. But when Elise is found brutally murdered, Anna finds herself trapped in a country not her own, fighting against vile and contemptuous accusations.
As Anna sets out to find her friend's killer; she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.
As she awaits the judge's decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine..." - via Goodreads
There is no slow build-up to the real story to be found here as in the opening chapter we are thrown right in at the deep end when we learn that Elise has been murdered via a transcript of the 911 call. During the novel we follow her best friend Anna on a traumatic roller coaster ride as she is accused of Elise’s murder, arrested and put on trial.
The format of this intense novel sees chapters jump around through different times in Anna’s life including the holiday gone wrong, life back at school versus her time in a foreign jail and of course her terrifying experience of the court room itself. In addition there are TV transcripts, interview tapes and text messages thrown into the mix, revealing more clues along the way. Somehow Haas manages to make this unusual format flow perfectly and I felt it complimented the subject of the story. As well as detailing Anna’s trial, jumping around to different times in her life cleverly explores how her complicated relationship with Elise first began, developed and ultimately ended.
Dangerous Girls is certainly a page-turner which kept me on my toes throughout. I was captivated following Anna and Elise’s story, learning about how their lives became intertwined and wondering just how all of the confusing pieces would fit together in the end.
I’m firmly in the camp of bloggers who have thoroughly enjoyed this read and I'm sure the girls' story will stick with me for a long time. Without giving anything away all I can say is that when I finally reached the last page I wasn’t disappointed - it’s one of those endings that leaves you wanting to know more.
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