Being A Book Blogger | Interview with Emily aka Afternoon Bookery
BB: For those readers who aren't already following 'Afternoon Bookery' could you tell us a little bit about the girl behind the blog & how you got started as a book blogger?
Hello! Im 22 and a book/lipstick lover, I spent a lot of time watching book hauls on YouTube and discovered people actually blogged about books, so I thought why not? Its my pride and joy my little blog!
BB: What is your favourite genre or type of book to read and review?
Chick lit, adult fiction and erotica are my main choices, but I am always looking for something completely different.
BB: Do you have any advice for those who are looking to start blogging?
Enjoy it, read what you want, delve in and get blogging, its as simple as that, if you wanna blog about it - do it.
I really enjoyed The Lovers Dictionary by David Levithan, and I've really enjoyed the final book of the stark trilogy, I have not read anything stand out yet!
BB: If you were going to write your own novel what would you choose to write about?
Probably erotica, that's the genre I could read and write about, a lot of smut gets read, especially after 50 shades etc.
BB: If you could invite 5 fictional characters to a dinner party who would you choose and why?
Hermione Granger, Celia & Marco (from The Night Circus) Allyson Healey & Gideon Cross. The first four are some of the most interesting characters I have come across, I have so many questions I want to ask them. Gideon Cross would be invited for a bit of eye candy!
BB: Finally, which other book blogs would you recommend to our readers?
Your own, obviously but i am a big fan of bookworms closet, and i love about happy books on YouTube!
Find Emily online
Twitter: @emsmate_xGoodreads:
I'd like to say a huge thank you from all of us here at BB to Emily for taking part in this interview.
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Interview & post by Erin
Interview & post by Erin
Images via Afternoon Bookery & Goodreads
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