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Features | A Change To Ratings In 2020

I mentioned in previous post that have decided to experiment with making a change to how I rate books in 2020. For years now I have used the Goodreads system (1 = star did not like it, 2 stars = it was ok, 3 stars = liked it, 4 stars = really liked it and 5 stars = it was amazing) and rate books based on the overall reading experience.

In the past I have defintiely been amongst the Goodreads users who are frustrated that half star ratings aren't avaialble on the platform, but have continued to use these on my yearly reading spreadsheet as well as in past reviews here on BB. A 3.5 star rating, for books sitting somewhere between 'I liked it' and 'I really liked it' have always been a particular favourite of mine, but this year I've decided it's time to try sticking to round numbers, meaning those usual 3.5s will have to either be rounded up or down.

We're two months into the year and so far, adapting to full star ratings hasn't been as much of a challenge as I thought it would be. At the time of writing this post I've read 20 books and have only questioned whether to round a rating up or down for 4 of them; of course it was that tricky 3 or 4 debate every time!

What are your thoughts on half-star ratings?
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