Power Plates | Gena Hamshaw | Review + Recipe Test
*Review copy c/o Netgalley, cover image via goodreads.com
Power Plants is a new cookbook from The Full Helping’s Gena Hamshaw featuring 100 recipes that are nutritionally balanced and completely plant-based. Building upon the ideas the author has shared on her blog the book is also packed full with useful information on everything from macronutrients to advance prepping, batch cooking, freezing and even seasonal meal plan ideas.
The overall design of the book is beautiful with soft colours and photos that showcase the delicious nutritionally balanced dishes. I was a little disappointed by the lack of allergen key alongside the recipes, something which I’m used to seeing in the cookbooks I review. Although these can help to identify allergens at a glance, the layout of this book makes it easy to quickly scan the ingredients lists if necessary.
Instead of just sharing my top picks from the book for this review I thought I would try out one of the recipes and share the results with you. I chose the Curried Tomato Stew with Chickpea Dumplings (pictured above) as I’d never cooked anything like this before and loved the idea of making gluten free, vegan dumplings.
The instructions were really easy to follow and unlike with some ‘free from’ cookbooks none of the ingredients were difficult to track down, in fact I already had most of them in my kitchen. The finished stew tasted great and I’ll definitely be making it again in future, as well as attempting to cook more recipes from this book - I’m looking at you Golden Rice Bowls!
Overall I'm really impressed with the design, selection of recipes and amount of information packed into Power Plates. With little added extras such as the meal plans this book is a great introduction to plant-based eating.

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