where our team of writers love to talk all things books, sharing reviews, features, lists, interviews and more.

Getting lost in a book is escapism at it's finest and it's what everyone who contributes here thrives on.


Features | Reading Slumps

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Features | Reading Slumps

Reading slumps are a common occurrence with most readers. At times, you won't want to read your books, and even though they're piling up you'll put them off because you're just not...

The Memory Book | Lara Avery | Review

Friday, 29 July 2016

The Memory Book | Lara Avery | Review

Received from Hachette Publishing NZ  They tell me that my memory will never be the same,  that I'll start forgetting things.  At first just a little, and then...

Red Rising | Pierce Brown | Guest Review

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Red Rising | Pierce Brown | Guest Review

'Red Rising' takes us to a future reality where the Earth is dying, and people have started to colonise the Moon and other planets. On Mars, our main character Darrow is a Red,...

Lolcatz, Santa, and Death by Dog | Andrew Masterson | Review

Monday, 25 July 2016

Lolcatz, Santa, and Death by Dog | Andrew Masterson | Review

*Image and book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Summary: A non-fiction collection of unusual scientific studies. Many of these studies challenge a...

Group Collaboration | Favourite YA Novels

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Group Collaboration | Favourite YA Novels

This month in celebration of YALC hitting London again this year we want to delve into our most popular genre here on Blogger's Bookshelf, Young Adult novels!  We...

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Features | Readathons

Friday, 22 July 2016

Features | Readathons

If you had asked me what a readathon was three years ago, well I probably could have figured it out, but I definitely would have been guessing. Now they're everywhere, taking place...

I Am Not Esther | Fleur Beale | Review

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

I Am Not Esther | Fleur Beale | Review

Imagine that your mother tells you she's going away. She is going to leave you with relatives you've never heard of - and they are members of a strict religious cult. Your name...

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Features | Top 4 Summery Reads

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Features | Top 4 Summery Reads

Slowly but surely, summer is coming. Beaches, heat, pools and, if you're like me, books. Lots of books. This year there are plenty of books that are perfect for summer, and I thought...

The City of Mirrors | Justin Cronin | Review

Friday, 15 July 2016

The City of Mirrors | Justin Cronin | Review

“All stories end when they have returned to their beginnings.”  It's okay if you haven't read The Passage or The Twelve - there are no spoilers.  The Story Where...

Bookish Links #20

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Bookish Links #20

It's that tie again! Grab your beverage of choice and settle in for another list of awesome bookish links from around the web. Here's some of the articles we've been reading and...

Kojiki | Keith Yatsuhashi | Review

Monday, 11 July 2016

Kojiki | Keith Yatsuhashi | Review

*Image and book provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Summary: This book follows Keiko, an 18-year-old Japanese American whose father has recently died,...

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Features | Books I Need To Re-Read

Friday, 8 July 2016

Features | Books I Need To Re-Read

I've written before on this blog about my love of re-reading and today I'm sharing the top five books that are currently on my re-reading TBR. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Have you...

The Martian | Andy Weir | Guest Review

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The Martian | Andy Weir | Guest Review

I had heard that this novel was a good read from several friends/reviewers, but I was not in any hurry to read it as I have so many other books. However, then the movie was released...

Dear Amy | Helen Callaghan | Review

Monday, 4 July 2016

Dear Amy | Helen Callaghan | Review

Dear Amy,  I don't know where I am. I've been kidnapped and am being held prisoner by a strange man. I'm afraid he'll kill me.  Please help me soon,  Bethan Avery *Review...

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