where our team of writers love to talk all things books, sharing reviews, features, lists, interviews and more.

Getting lost in a book is escapism at it's finest and it's what everyone who contributes here thrives on.


2016 Reading Challenge | Update #1

Saturday, 30 April 2016

2016 Reading Challenge | Update #1

Back in January we shared our brand new reading goals for the year ahead. Somehow we're already a third of the way through the year (!) so we thought it would be a great time to share...

Features | Genres That Aren't Genres

Friday, 29 April 2016

Features | Genres That Aren't Genres

I was talking to a writer friend of mine on Twitter recently about how frustrating it is when people refer to YA as a genre and it soon turned into us joking about the other 'genres'...

Feature | John Green Reading Soundtracks

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Feature | John Green Reading Soundtracks

Reading many of John Green's books I always felt his stories lend themselves well to churning up a fantastic cinematic scores and after the release of TFIOS we definitely saw how...

Bookish Links #17

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Bookish Links #17

Welcome to another Bookish Links; the monthly post where we share some of our favourite blog post, articles, videos and more from around the web. Get ready to do some reading!... 1....

Cruel Crown | Victoria Aveyard | Review

Friday, 22 April 2016

Cruel Crown | Victoria Aveyard | Review

I received this book from Hachette Publishing New Zealand,  in exchange for an honest review.  Two women on either side of the Silver and Red divide tell the...

Cinder | Marissa Meyer | Guest Review

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Cinder | Marissa Meyer | Guest Review

Like everybody else, I was familiar with the hype of Marissa Meyer's series The Lunar Chronicles. It seemed that any self-respecting book-lover had read the series and adored...

Planet Janitor | Chris Stevenson | Review

Monday, 18 April 2016

Planet Janitor | Chris Stevenson | Review

*Book provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Summary: Captain Zachary Crowe (Zaz) created the small company Planet Janitor. Their mission is usually space...

Group Collaboration | Our Favourite Debut Novels

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Group Collaboration | Our Favourite Debut Novels

This month we're celebrating the arrival of Spring by sharing our favourite debut novels! Below you'll find 14 top picks from Blogger's Bookshelf writers and readers... don't forget...

Features | Shakespearean Adaptations

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Features | Shakespearean Adaptations

The 23rd of April this year marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, so today I want to share with you all a few of my favourite Shakespearean adaptations. The stories...

Bookish Links #16

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Bookish Links #16

Welcome to April's first edition of Bookish Links, the monthly post where we share some of our favourite blog post, articles, videos and more from around the web. Grab yourself...

Press Start to Play | Daniel H. Wilson | Review

Monday, 4 April 2016

Press Start to Play | Daniel H. Wilson | Review

Summary: A collection of short stories with the central theme of video games. Stories are written by a combination of fiction authors and video game story writers.  Review: One...

Features | 5 Funny Books.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Features | 5 Funny Books.

In honour of April Fools' Day, today I am bringing you five very funny books, because, let's be honest, April Fools' Day is generally not very funny, but all of these books are! Love,...

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