Being A Book Blogger | Interview With Bethany aka In The Clouds

BB: Hi Bethany! For anyone who hasn't yet discovered In The Clouds could you tell us a little bit more about the girl behind the blog?
I first starting blogging in February 2014 after I came across a few blogs and was intrigued by what I saw. The idea of writing about pretty much anything I wanted and people actually tuning in to read it sounded like a dream to me, after years of writing things down in notebooks and keeping them hidden from the world. I blog about my life, loves and the struggles of being a teenage bookworm (joking it's not a struggle at all!)
BB: Where does your passion for reading come from? And what made you want to start blogging about books?
When I was younger my parents used to read to me each night before bed and even now those comforting words from all of the stories are still swimming around in my brain. From then I progressed to more complex and longer books and I guess my love for reading just grew from there. Now I couldn't imagine a life without a book permanently glued to my hand. Its just in my blood, I guess. So with this burning passion inside me, how could I not want some part of In The Clouds to be about books? I just love being able to share the books that I enjoy with other people and it's a great conversation starter as well!
BB: If you had to list your favourite reads of the year so far which books would make the cut?
Ah that's a hard one- I love them all! But if I did have to pick I would say that Lisa Lynch's The C Word was a very powerful and eye opening read (I actually reviewed it here) as was Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner and Malorie Blackma's Noughts and Crosses. All well worth the read!
BB: We really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Go Set A Watchman. Are there any other standalone novels you would absolutely love to read sequels to?
One of the books I always said that I would really love to read a sequel to was The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. Now I know both the main characters will have realistically passed away by then but I would love to know what happens to their friend Issac and also Hazel's parents. It would be a interesting to read a portrayal of how a child's death can affect a family- will they or won't they stay together?

BB: We also noticed that last year you had a short story published, could you tell us a little bit more about the experience and how it felt to see your name in print?
That's right! I entered a Short Story Writing Competition that I fell upon on the Born Free Foundation website, an international wildlife charity that works tirelessly to help animals in need. The competition needed people to write about what it means for an animal to be truly free and bring to the attention of the public some of the horrific dangers they face. So I quickly wrote up a story about a Polar Bear, submitted it and thought nothing of it. And then a few months after, I got email telling me I had come runner up in my age category and that my story would be PUBLISHED in a book, with the royalties going to the Born Free Foundation!
Obviously I was over the moon as for as long as I could remember my dream had been to publish a book and this was just a small step closer to being a real published author. Seeing my name in print here was amazing!
BB: Just for fun, if you had the power to bring one fictional character to life who would you choose and why?
Without a doubt it would have be Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird because I just love how despite what everyone else in the town says she point blank refuses to conform to being a lady and would much rather be rolling around in the mud with her brother Jem!
BB: Finally, we're always looking for new book blogs to read, do you have any favourites?
My fav book blogs at the moment are: Gingerly Pale, VivaTramp, Ali Caitrin
Where To Find Bethany Online: Bloglovin' | Instagram | Twitter
I'd like to say a huge thank you from all of us here at BB to Bethany for taking part in this interview. If you are a booktuber or book blogger and would like to be featured in a similar post we'd love to hear from you - just email us at for information!
Images c/o Bethany
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