Being A Book Blogger | Interview with Amber aka The Reading Addict

BB: For those who aren't already followers of The Reading Addict, could you tell us a little bit about the girl behind the blog?
I'm an avid reader of young adult literature who wants to share her thoughts on books. I'm that girl who always has her nose in a book and her head in another world. My perfect life would consist of pumpkin spice lattes, music, and my current book addiction. Alas, it is not to be. For now, I'll slave away at school while devouring novels and writing book reviews in my spare time.
BB: Where does your passion for reading come from and how did you get into writing reviews?
I've always had a passion for reading. Ever since I first learned, I couldn't get my hands on enough books. I devoured The Magic Treehouse and Nancy Drew series and quickly moved on to more ambitious reads. However, I soon realized that not everyone shared my love for the written word. Trying to discuss novels with other elementary and middle school students rarely created any interesting conversations. I just didn't have many other book lovers to fangirl with.
When I entered high school, I discovered the world of book blogging. I was thrilled to have found a place where others were as obsessed with young adult books as I was. At first, I only followed a couple of reviewers. After a while, I decided I wanted to join them in writing about the novels I read. Thus The Reading Addict was born. I've been recording my thoughts on books ever since.
BB: Which review have you written that you are most proud of?
Well I don't enjoy writing negative reviews. I don't know why, but I'd much rather write a review full of praise than tear a book to pieces. Therefore, I'd have to choose a review of one of my favorite books, such as The Fault in Our Stars, Finnikin of the Rock, or Pure.
BB: Which five books are at the top of your TBR list right now?
I always have wayyy too many books on my TBR list. Seriously, my room is overflowing with novels I haven't read. To be honest, that's just the way I like it. I'd have to say my top five at the moment are:
- Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta
- Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
- The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
- Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
- Slammed by Colleen Hoover.

BB: We recently discussed which destinations from books we would love to visit on vacation. Where would you choose to go?
Obviously Hogwarts is way up there on my list. I'd probably die of happiness if I went there, even if it was just for a day. I'm also a sucker for classic fantasies like The Lord of the Rings, so maybe Rivendell or The Shire. Gosh, this is a hard question. I have so many places I'd want to go!
BB: If you could switch lives for a day with any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
This is another tough one... I'd probably have to go with Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. She's intelligent, loyal, brave, and an all around incredible character. Not to mention she's a witch, and I'd get to hang around some of my favorite characters (Harry, Ron, Neville, etc). What girl wouldn't want to be her?
BB: Which two fictional characters from different books/series would you like to see appear together in a new story?
This is an awesome question. Honestly, I've never even thought about this before. I guess it'd be pretty hilarious to see Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments series meet Edward Cullen. I can only imagine Jace's snide remarks. It'd be quite entertaining, to say the least.
BB: We're always looking for book blog and booktube recommendations. Which are your favorite reads/watches?
I don't really watch any booktubers, but I have several favorite book bloggers. I follow dozens, but these are the ones I visit the most.
- Taschima Cullen at Bloody Bookaholic
- Fauzan at Wild Heart Book Reviews
- Katie at Katie's Book Blog
- Lauren at Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf
- Lori at Pure Imagination
You can also find Amber on Goodreads, Twitter, Tumblr & Facebook
I'd like to say a huge thank you from all of us here at BB to Amber for taking part in this interview.
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Interview & post by Erin
Book cover images all via Goodreads
Interview & post by Erin
Book cover images all via Goodreads
Thanks so much for having me, guys! :)