Tuesday, 31 July 2018
How to be a Grown Up | Daisy Buchanan | Review
Do you ever feel like you haven't quite figured out this grown up thing yet? I definitely do. In fact, I even wrote a whole post about being an almost grown up a few years ago...
Do you ever feel like you haven't quite figured out this grown up thing yet? I definitely do. In fact, I even wrote a whole post about being an almost grown up a few years ago...
There is nothingprettier in thewhole wide worldthan a girlin lovewith every breath she takes.” Canadian Instagram sensation, Atticus, has been making people swoon over his words...
*Review copy c/o Netgalley It’s been a little while since I last reviewed an art/craft book but as soon as I saw Art Starts With A Line I was drawn in by the beautiful pastel cover...
'Set in the wild and unreliable landscape of southern New Zealand, Travelling in the Dark is an evocative story of a woman coming to terms with her past.' I'm going to be really...
This year we decided to launch our very own online book club, with a new book for you to join us in reading every month. Our July title was Portuguese Irregular Verbs, a quirky short...
The sun is out and summer holidays are here. Long days and breaks from school or work mean plenty of time to relax and enjoy your favourite hobby. They also mean it's time to...
Know Your Place is a collection of essays on the working class, which have all been written by the working class. A variety of writers share their thoughts on what it means to...
We really hope you're enjoying our July BB book club pick Portuguese Irregular Verbs, a collection of unusual tales chosen by Anjali. There's just under a week left to send us your...
If you missed this month’s Book Club announcement, we’re reading Alexander McCall Smith’s book, Portuguese Irregular Verbs. Head on back to that original post to get an overview of...
I'd read one of Cecilia's books before, Seven Days Of You, and while it was alright I wasn't the biggest fan. But, as I felt it was just the storyline/setting and not the writing...
1. Decluttering Tips - we all need to declutter from time to time so if your book collection is in need of a cull you'll appreciate Emma's advice. 2. Sparking Creativity - this...
I love short story collections at this time of year, when it's so hot I can barely concentrate on one thing for more than a few minutes before I'm desperate to run for the ocean,...
It would be exceptionally difficult not to have heard of Giovanna & Tom Fletcher at this point as these guys have a lot of strings to their bows. Among other things, they are...