2013 Reading Challenge Update #2
Back in January we set ourselves some reading goals for the year - five books or series we vowed to read in 2013 and a total number of books to be read over the year as well.
Welcome to our second progress update....!
Welcome to our second progress update....!
Ria... 20/30 books read, 3/5 books vowed to read
I'm quite proudly powering through my reading goals, with only 10 more books till I hit my target! I also finished Brave New World and Farenheit 451, both of which I happily enjoyed, albeit they were both rather weird books. I've now bought, started and am loving Harry: A History and hope to finish/review it soon in time for LeakyCon in about 2 months. City of Bones is still on my to be read list, though I've heard some pretty rough reviews for it so forgive me if I seem a little reluctant to start...The Casual Vacancy and The Resistance are both still sat on my shelf but I'm having far too much fun discovering new authors and finding more bargain books in charity shops to care too much!
Niina... 12/35 books read
I'm doing pretty good with my reading challenge but I've only given out one 5 star rating so far, to Ashfall by Mike Mullin. Other books that I've really enjoyed this year are Love Is The Higher Law by David Levithan and The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams. My biggest disappointment so far this year is probably Blackbirds by Chuck Wending. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I thought I would enjoy it so much more!
Anjali... 26/40 books read, 2/5 books vowed to read
I'm feeling really pleased with my 26 books read so far! Not so pleased that only 2 of those are ones I vowed back in January to read, but nevertheless, I'm having a grand time! Last Reading Challenge Update I had already read Daughter of Smoke and Bone from my 'vow to read' list, but since then I've also read Feedback, by Robison Wells, which was on that same list. I really enjoyed the first in that series, Variant, so it was exciting to read the sequel. Sequels can often be a hit and miss I find, but Feedback was just as amazing as Variant. 5 stars, Robison, 5 stars. Despite only having read 2 out of 5, I have actually just started another from that list: The Twelve, by Justin Cronin, the sequel to The Passage. The first one was amazing, so I'm excited that I'm diving into another one of Cronin's adventures. In regards to other, non 'vow-list' books, I loved Carter Beats the Devil, by Glen David Owen. Ultraviolet, and it's sequel, Quicksilver, by R.J. Anderson were both really great too (you can read about my trip to the Quicksilver book launch here). And All Over the Place, by Serena Clarke was very good too! I haven't been sleeping as much as I should lately because of all these books...I've diagnosed myself with Just-One-More-Chapter-Itis.
Laura... 14/25 books read, 3/5 books vowed to read
I've read 14 out of 25 books so far! And have managed to read 3 book from my 5 to read list, I have now read: Miranda Hart - Is It Just Me? Sophia Kinsella - I've Got Your Number and Matthew Quick - The Silver Linings Playbook. I've actually managed to read one of those without realising it was on my list of books I vowed to read! The Sophia Kinsella book however I did purposely pre-order and waited weeks for, although I'm glad I did because I loved it! I'll be honest and say I pretty much forgot about how many books I was supposed to read this year but the number keeps steadily increasing as I delve through my 'to-read' shelf. So far I've enjoyed all the books I've finished and Goodreads says i'm 5 books ahead of schedule. - woo!
Lucy... 9/25 books read, 1/5 books vowed to read
I have read 9 books now which is slightly better but I truly believe that I will not get 37 books read by the end of the year. I've changed my goal number of books to 25 because I believe it's a slightly more achievable target. I have purchased Sever but apart from that, my vow to read books haven't been read yet. There is still six months left of the year though so hopefully, they will all be read by then. The books I have read have been brilliant however. Some of the more notable ones include Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and Charlotte Street by Danny Wallace. I'm also starting Game of Thrones and I am loving it so far!!!
Erin... 31/52 books read, 1/5 books vowed to read
though I did hit a bit of a reading slump not too long ago I’ve still
managed to pass the halfway mark. Notable favourites since our last challenge update would
definitely have to be Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore (review here) and Club Monstrosity (review here) although I still haven’t given out any 5 star ratings this year!
Amongst the 31 books total I have crossed another one off of my ‘books we vow to read’ list. Fractured
by Teri Terry was one of the sequels that I was really looking forward
to this year but sadly I felt it was disappointing compared to the
previous book (Slated). I’m currently working on Lord Of The Flies which was also in my five choices.
What are your reading goals for 2013?
Post by Erin / Images via Goodreads