War Horse | Michael Morpurgo | Reviewed by Laura
This unique books details the life of Joey, a thoroughbred horse whose life dramatically changes when he is dragged away from his life as a farm horse and taken straight into the heart of WW1.
I had heard great things about this book before I read it, then the adaptation into film forced me to grab he book off the shelf and start reading (We all know it's book first, film second). I was surprised and equally impressed to find that the book is written from Joey's perspective, it's unique and gives a very different impression of the war.
This story is heartbreaking, uplifting, terrifying and emotional. Morpurgo captures the essence of war and tugs at your heart strings, I cried... boy did I cry when reading this book. I really enjoyed the contrast of characters in this book, it was almost as if for every character that I loved there was one that I disliked but even those that I disliked had a purpose, there was a reason as to why they were like that, whether this be job or way of life.
I don't think anyone can dislike Joey as a character, how can you not like a horse?! His determination, his strength, his love all made me wish I had a horse! I was terrified throughout this book of how things were going to turn out in the end, but luckily I didn't have to worry.
The war scenes are heart-breaking, the description is enough to make you feel that you are stood there with it all happening around you. I have not read an author who can create imagery quite like Morpurgo can.
As for the film, well I watched it last week and I did enjoy it, it didn't make me cry though... so there must of been something missing.

This post was written by regular reviewer Laura, get to know her here.
Image from Goodreads
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