Divergent Thinking | Leah Wilson | Review

Divergent Thinking is a new non-fiction title featuring short essays and discussions from a selection of YA authors, all based around various aspects of Veronica Roth’s best-selling Divergent trilogy. Each of the contributing authors talk about something they personally took away from the series and topics range from how the factions correspond to psychology’s ‘big five’ personality traits and what true bravery really is, to mapping out the landmarks of the series onto modern day Chicago and how family dynamics shape the series.
Before delving into the different takes on the series we have a short introduction from editor Leah Wilson who comments on why the Divergent series has been compared to another popular dystopian trilogy; The Hunger Games, and how the two differ.
Although these types of ‘essay’ books won’t appeal to everyone this quick read contains some interesting ideas and thought-provoking pieces for big fans of the Divergent series. Whilst perhaps unnecessary to furthering your enjoyment of the trilogy it is full of new perspectives that may make you think differently about the world created by Veronica Roth.
A final note: make sure that you have read the entire Divergent trilogy before picking this up as it does cover topics that contain spoilers for all three books!
Review copy & image c/o Netgalley
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