Author Interview | Gretta Parker
"The $7.50 Bunny That Changed The World is a short book all about a rescue rabbit named Flopsy. The book is written from Flopsy’s point of view and tells the story of how he was abandoned at a shelter by his previous owners and later adopted by the book’s author Gretta Parker, who’s life he changed for the better.
After Gretta bought home a computer and set up a Facebook page to raise awareness of rabbit adoption and shelters Flopsy played a huge part in helping the cause as a ‘spokesbunny’ proving just how rewarding becoming a rabbit owner can be. Alongside the story are beautiful photographs of this special little bunny who definitely seemed to enjoy posing for the camera!
As a bunny owner myself I couldn’t resist reading Flopsy’s story and I am pleased that there are people like Gretta trying to raise awareness for this cause."
*Review copy c/o Netgalley

BB: Hi Gretta, welcome to Blogger’s Bookshelf. Could you tell our readers a little bit about the author behind The $7.50 Bunny That Changed The World?
It is rare to be able to combine all the things you love which for me is bunnies and writing. I love to tell their stories, which are not always happy. I like to make people think about the plight of animals and to inspire people to get involved with their local rescues.
It will be two years this December, since I lost my Flopsy. I don’t know if I can ever put into words the profound effect a $7.50 rabbit had on my life. He taught me to care more, to be more fearless, but more importantly to take a stand to try raise awareness to the plight of rabbit rescues. I never knew how bad they have it until I started his Facebook page. There is no funding, little awareness, and crippling medical costs that they face every day. He started me on a path when I was lost. I just didn’t plan on finishing the journey without him. The success of his story has been bittersweet for that reason. He is still the first thing I think about and the last thing I remember when I go to sleep at night.
BB: Your book tells the story of the wonderful Flopsy Parker who inspired you to raise awareness for rabbit rescues and shelters by starting Baskets For Bunnies. Could you tell us a little bit about the organization and how it has helped inspire others?
I started Baskets for Bunnies, Inc. to help supply rabbit rescues with supplies that they do not have the extra funding for, anything from toys to litterboxes. Right now we are doing our Toys for Hops drive through Christmas which provides free toys to rescues in the US and a few in Canada thanks to our partnership with Happy Rabbit Toys. I also opened a Sanctuary for special needs rabbits called the Flopsy Parker Memorial Sanctuary last year, 20 rabbits live with us some of which are paralyzed, blind, or just need more socialization. Both Baskets and the Sanctuary are important to me because they will make sure Flopsy’s memory lives on through the rabbits they help. 100% of all the proceeds from my books go to fund my non- profit organizations.
For more info visit or email or

BB: If our readers are interested in helping rescue bunnies and shelters how can they get involved?
A lot of people do not know that rabbits are the 3rd most abandoned animal in the United States. Due to the fact that they are governed by agricultural laws many rescues do not get the funding that they need. If one pregnant rabbit is dropped off, it can cost over $1000 alone just for spay and neuter of the babies since most litters can be between 7-10 babies per litter. Petfinder is a great resource to find rabbit rescues in your area. You do not have to adopt to become involved, most rescues welcome supplies and or help with transport or medical bills. Helping share fundraisers on Facebook, or adoption ads can even help.
BB: Whats next for you as an author? Will you be writing more books about bunnies?
My next children’s book will be called Stanley the Misunderstood. It is about the first rabbit I took into the Sanctuary, he was in danger of being euthanized for aggressive behavior. The book will be a humorous look on his real life antics, and how he grew to become a wonderful rabbit with love and patience. I also hope to publish my first YA novel this year called The Marquee Sign.
BB: Since we are a book blog we have to ask – what have been your favorite reads of 2013?
I am old school, The Winter of Our Discontent by Steinbeck is on my nightstand right now. I prefer classics to a lot of mainstream fiction. I buy a lot of books from flea markets and shops. I just finished Dan Brown’s new book Inferno, I respect how he combines, history, art and the Classics into his writings. I also enjoyed The Cuckoo’s Calling, I think there is a certain brilliance in the way J.K. Rowling writes that transcends the genre she is writing about.
If you want to learn more about Flopsy's story you can find The $7.50 Bunny That Changed The World on Amazon
I'd like to say a huge thank you to Gretta from all of us here at BB for taking part in this interview.
Interview by Erin
Images c/o Gretta Parker
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